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Case Management



Case Managers assist those eligible with NHTD, TBI, & HCBS/HARP to become program participants then coordinates and monitors the provision of all services in the Service Plan. Services may include Medicaid State Plan services, non-Medicaid federal, state and locally funded services, as well as educational, vocational, social, and medical services. The goal is to increase the participant’s independence, productivity and integration into the community while maintaining the health and welfare of the individual.


The participant and or family member is the primary decision-maker in the development of goals, and selection of supports and individual service providers. The service coordinator is responsible for assuring that the service plan is implemented appropriately and supporting the participant to become an effective self-advocate and problem solver. Together they work to develop and implement the service plan, which reflects the participant’s goals. 


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 Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD)Waiver



With most family members working, it has become difficult if not almost impossible to care for a loved one or family member at home. Many people with chronic, debilitating medical conditions find them selves looking at nursing home placement. The New York State Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver applies Medicaid funding to supports and services for seniors and individuals with qualifying disabilities, allowing successful inclusion in the community. This enables many people to remain living at home, or being able to return to their home if in a nursing home.


There are many services available to individuals served through the NHTD waiver. Some of these include…


  • Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)

Assisting in relearning skills such as self care, medication management, task completion, communication skills, socialization, problem solving, money management and maintaining a household.​


  • Community Integration Counceling (CIC)

Provided to individuals coping with issues such as; altered abilities and skills, the need to revise long term expectations, and changed roles in relation to significant others. CIC assists individuals to more effectively manage the emotional difficulties that are associated with adjusting to and living in the community after suffering a traumatic brain injury.


  • Structured Day Programs (SDP)

Created to improve the individual’s community living skills in a comfortable setting; Focusing on the development of social skills, companionship, self-oriented and group projects, as well as community outings.

  • Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)

These services may be in a residential setting or community location. HCSS assists the individual with a variety of daily living tasks while providing safety and monitoring.

  • Environmental Modifications (E-Mod)

Changes to the individual’s residence or primary means of transportation, enhancing their environment with tools needed for independence, health, safety and welfare.


  • Assistive Technology (AT)

 Allowing transport safely. An example of this technology is a wheelchair necessary for mobility.




Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver


Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) means adjusting to change and relearning critical tasks. The professionals at KIGI excel at linking individuals to services that assist them in gaining independence, while maintaining and monitoring the individual's health and rehabilitation process.


There are many services available to the individuals served through the TBI waiver.  

Some of these include…

  • Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)

Assisting in relearning skills such as self-care, medication management, task completion, communication skills, socialization, problem solving, money management and maintaining a household.

  • Community Integration Counseling (CIC)

Provided to individuals coping with issues such as; altered abilities and skills, the need to revise long term expectations, and changed roles in relation to significant others. CIC assists individuals to more effectively manage the emotional difficulties that are associated with adjusting to and living in the community after suffering a traumatic brain injury.

  • Structured Day Programs (SDP)

Created to improve the individual’s community living skills in a comfortable setting; Focusing on the development of social skills, companionship, self-oriented and group projects, as well as community outings.

  • Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)

These services may be in a residential setting or community location. HCSS assists the individual with a variety of daily living tasks while providing safety and monitoring.

  • Environmental Modifications (E-Mod)

Changes to the individual’s residence or primary means of transportation, enhancing their environment with tools needed for independence, health, safety and welfare.


  • Assistive Technology (AT)

 Allowing transport safely. An example of this technology is a wheelchair necessary for mobility.


KIGI offers Service Coordination (case management), SDP and CIC.

You may choose to use our agency for one or more of these services. 

All services may be provided another providing agency.

Your Service Coordinator may help with connecting you to these services as needed. 


Case Managers

Lillian Caban - Director of Case Management

Martha Devaney – Case Manager

Arkeyla Washington – Case Manager

Anna Young – Case Manager

Arianna Vecchiarelli - Case Manager

Felix Hernandez- Case Manager


Felix Hernandez- SC_edited.jpg

Lillian Caban

Martha Devaney

Arkeyla Washington

Anna Young

Arianna Vecchiarelli

Felix Hernandez

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